Goodwood Revival 2023 – Barry Sheene Memorial Trophy
After several years working hard in classic racing events with our Matchless G50 1962 machine, Team Holman were honoured to receive an invite to attend the Goodwood Revival, to race in the Barry Sheene Memorial Trophy.
It required considerable planning – and a complete Holman Wilfley Ltd team effort.
For a first time appearance against experienced and much larger teams, we achieved a respectful 6th overall over the weekend event.
There was excellent track coverage of our efforts, and at times we reached 2nd on the track.
Much thanks to all involved – particularly the riders, Howie Mainwaring Smart & Luke Bailey, and technical support from Fred Walmsley.
(Adam and Chris also contributed in crisp white overalls !!)
The bike race can be seen in full below on YouTube.
Commissioning in Egypt
We were pleased to see our Holman Wilfley 8000's and 800 being commissioned by Egyptian Black Sands. They have been installed by Mineral Technologies.
In the below video they are even being looked over by Egypt's President El-Sisi!
1000th Holman Head motion
Since bringing Holman shaking table production back to Cornwall in the early 2000’s. Holman-Wilfley Ltd are now excited to announce that the 1000th Holman machine is now ready to leave the factory.
The 1000th Holman headmotion has been installed on a Holman Wilfley 2000 shaking table which are exported globally and predominantly used for gold cleaning.
The lucky customer is Macon Industries in Canada who will be installing the Holman 2000 shaking table in one of their modular gold rooms for placer and hard rock mines. The table and their plant will process the concentrate from sluice boxes or Falcon/Knelson Multi G concentrators.
ISO 9001 Certification
Holman-Wilfley Ltd is pleased to announce our compliance and certification under ISO 9001 as part of our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement and quality standards. Holman Wilfley - ISO Certificate

New Distributor Of Holman Wilfley Tables
Holman-Wilfley Ltd is excited to announce the appointment of Advanced Mineral Processing, S. L (AMP®) as an authorized distributor of its Gravity Table products for the territories of Spain and Portugal.
For further information please click on the link. AMP press release

Holman Wilfley Solar Power 2019
As part of our continuing environmental policy development, we have completed a first 20kW array of Solar PV panels, on our main assembly factory.
The installation will also allow surplus natural energy to feed back to the grid, contributing to government targets for clean energy generation. Our Gravity machine assembly processes will make use of this clean element of energy for general operations, and testing. This will help Holman Wilfley Ltd reduce its carbon footprint and environmental impact.
With this installation we can assist the mining sector and its drive for sustainability. We have joined a community of 140,000 independent green energy generators.
Our machines are also ultimately being supplied to the recycling industry for the recovery of heavy metals and the subsequent purification of plastics. Metal recovery from recycling processes, using gravity in this area is an expanding area, helping to reduce the emphasis on raw mining operations.
With mineral processors also expanding interest in recovery from old and abandoned tailings deposits, gravity equipment such as Holman and Wilfley tables continue to play an important part in environmentally friendly process development.

Physical Seperation '19
With the two years since Physical Separation ‘17, Holman Wilfley Ltd is proud to announce that we are continuing our longstanding relationship with MEI by sponsoring the Physical Separation ‘19 conference. As a Cornish based mining equipment manufacturing company we are pleased to support this local mining conference.
Since Physical Separation 17 we have been busy shipping our Laboratory 800 tables to nearly 50 universities and mining companies, with our industrial 7000 Wilfley machines going in to several large recycling projects in Scandinavia and southern Europe. Our mining industrial sized Holman tables have had further units installed to upgrade capacity at Drakelands in Devon and our Holman 8000 tables have also being shipped to various mines around the world, this includes the expanding Tungsten operations in Spain, and projects from Australia to Vietnam.
We look forward to catching up with various customers and friends and discovering what developments in the science of physical separation have occurred in the last two years.

Work Place Exprience
Well done to Josh who has recently spent a week at Holman Wilfley for work exprience.
He spent the week assisting with the various different assembly proceedures including helping to build one of our Laboratory tables.
We wish him well for the future.

Changes for the year ahead!
During the start of the year, work will be commencing on an extension to our factory which will enable us to further improve our manufacturing processes and support to our customer's.
In line with this there have been some role changes within the business but the same people remain available to answer any queries and offer product support where required.

Physical Seperation '17
Holman-Wilfley Ltd is proud to be sponsoring Physical Seperation '17 being held in Falmouth, Cornwall, UK at St. Michaels Hotel on the 15th & 16th June 2017.
Visit of Barry Wills of MEI
During October Barry visited Holman-Wilfley, please see details at:

MARCH 2016
Tronox – Namakwa Sands Wet Gravity Extension Project
Holman-Wilfley Ltd, U.K., with their Alliance Partners MD Mineral Technologies Pty Ltd of Richards Bay, South Africa, are pleased to acknowledge their successful involvement with Tronox Limited at their Namakwa Sands Wet Gravity Extension Project.
The plant has been commissioned at the Namakwa MSP operations site ~15km from Lutzville, South Africa (~350km North of Capetown)
The project design is based on a gravity zircon recovery circuit from tailings.
After classification, zircon is concentrated using MD Mineral Technologies VHGS Spirals, with final concentration on 21 x Holman 8000DD gravity tables.
The circuit was installed and commissioned on schedule in early 2016, and Senior Tronox Project Team member - Frans Huisamen has stated : “The Project is a great success , and we are delighted with the additional revenue benefits to the Namakwa Operations “.
Holman Wilfley director Chris Bailey said: “We are proud to have been associated with Tronox, and with our partners, MD Mineral Technologies, on this exciting Project. We believe our Holman concentrating tables have once again demonstrated their potential to quickly add value to Gravity processes.
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©2024 Holman Wilfley Limited. Registered Office: Mills Pyatt Ltd, 11 Kingfisher Park, Arthur Street, Lakeside, Redditch B98 8LG. Registered No. 02492558
* Calls will cost 2p per minute plus your telephone company's Access Charge